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Make-Ahead Meals for Busy Moms Cookbook Giveaway

As a full-time working mom, I'm very hard pressed for time and rarely cook dinner every night. I often fix our week day dinners in bulk during the weekend and we re-heat the left overs throughout the week. Truth of the matter is that the meals aren't always that healthy and get boring. Not to mention the once a week frozen pizza or restaurant visit that we do because we're bored with the left overs.

Jane Doiron author of Make-Ahead Meals for Busy Moms has put together a fabulous "how to" cookbook to help us save time in the kitchen and spend more time doing what we love...spending time with our families! I love that her recipes include not only prep and cooking instruction but also the freezing and reheating instructions. Not only are the recipes time saver but money savers which is something I think everyone needs a little help with.

This past holiday weekend I gave a few of  her recipes a try. I admit that I'm no Sara Snow or Rachael Ray but I made some mean dishes for Christmas. I used her Bruschetta recipe which was quick and easy (however, I did add mozzarella to the top and melted it...delicious!) I also made several loaves of her Hawaiian bread that we gave to all of our aunts and uncles for Christmas. Again, the bread was delicious, fast, and fun to make. I also had all the needed ingredients to make the Hawaiian Bread already in my pantry so I didn't have to go and buy anything (with the exception of the holiday baking tins that I used).

I know all of you are just as busy as I am...some probably more so. I think this cookbook is definitely worth your time and money because it can help you save both!

Buy It: Make-Ahead Meals for Busy Moms is available for purchase on Amazon.com for around $16 (new). You can also purchase a printable electronic version for $12.

Win It: Jane Doiron is offering a free copy of her cookbook, Make-Ahead Meals for Busy Moms, to one of my readers! Just leave me a comment sharing one of your "time saving" strategies for busy moms!

Enter To Win:
Please leave a separate comment for all that you do to ensure you get all possible entries! Remember to include your email address on your comment! Contest ends 1/8/2010 at 10pm EST

Sorry US residents only 

Contest Closed. Congratulations to Jennifer (Comment # 40) for winning the Make Ahead Meals Cookbook! 


Unknown said... 1

I HAVE to clean the house when my toddler goes to bed because she is so busy i cant do it otherwise!

Unknown said... 4

I follow via network blogs on fbook
Lynn Ann Matthews

Unknown said... 7

I follow her on facebook and twitter
Lynn Ann Matthews

Unknown said... 8

i have the make ahaid meals button on my blog

windycindy said... 9

I stay up later than my husband and our children, to get some laundry done, load the dishwasher, clean the floor and toys up, etc.
Many thanks, Cindi

windycindy said... 10

I am a subscriber to your blog via email. Thanks, Cindi

windycindy said... 11

Also, I follow your blog!
Again, many thanks.....Cindi

windycindy said... 12

I also am a Facebook fan of yours!
Thanks very much.....Cindi

windycindy said... 13

StumbledUpon: Thanks, Cindi

windycindy said... 14

You are favored on my Technorati Page!
Again, many thanks, Cindi

windycindy said... 15

I also follow Make-Ahead Meals for Busy Moms Blog!

windycindy said... 16

Also, I subscribe to Make-Ahead Meals

windycindy said... 17

I follow Jane Doiron on Facebook and Twitter.....Thanks, Cindi

Amy said... 18

If I see something sitting where it shouldn't be I pick it up as I pass by. It cuts down on clutter and time.


SewLindaAnn said... 22

I cook up large batches of chop meat with taco seasoning and portion it in the freezer along with a scoop of refried beans. All you have to do is heat a pan, put it in with a bit of liquid (water, tomatoe sauce or juice, salsa, whatever you like) heat a few taco shells and you've got a meal. No toppings for my family, only I like them.

Unknown said... 27

I fold the laundry periodically throughout the day, when I have a free minute...

sharonjo said... 29

My time-saving tip--clean up the kitchen before going to bed. There's nothing worse than waking up to a mess in the kitchen; makes you feel behind all day!

sharonjo said... 33

I follow Make-Ahead Meals for Busy Moms Blog on google friend connect. sharonjo

Jennifer T. said... 35

My time-saving tip is to hang a clear shoe organizer on the inside of the coat closet door for chargers, mittens, gloves, scarves, etc. It saves time when you can she what's in each slot and you don't have to look for that second glove.

Jennifer T. said... 39

I follow Make-Ahead Meals for Busy Moms Blog via Google Friend Connect.

Kathy said... 40

I'm now a follower over at Make-Ahead Meals for Busy Moms Blog!!!

Kathy said... 41

Tried to subscribe to her newsletter but it said there was an error with my email address, which I don't understand because it was correct!?!? I tried - does that count?

K. Rock said... 42

I just try to meal plan. That saves me time from trying to figure stuff out.

ShellyH said... 44

My time saving strategy is once a week and once a month cooking.

Ravish30 at aol dot com

ShellyH said... 46

Sent Jane a facebook friends request a few minutes ago.

Ravish30 at aol dot com

ShellyH said... 47

I am now following her over on twitter and my twitter ID is @Ravish30

Ravish30 at aol dot com

Heather! said... 49

I try to double up on recipes as often as possible. That way there's always something good to heat and eat on those crazy days! Another quick 'double up' tip is that I try to prepare ingredients we use often (like chopping onions) for at least two recipes. Saves time when you're in a hurry...just reach in the fridge and grabbed the diced onion!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Heather! said... 51

I'm following Mahayla's Mommy on Facebook! :)
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Heather! said... 52

I follow Make Ahead Meals on Google Connect.
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Heather! said... 53

I follow Jane on Twitter as hybroanglid.
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Elphie said... 54

I save time by making double portions whenever I cook so we can have leftovers the next day.
chirpatme at rocketmail dot com

Elphie said... 57

I subscribe to the Make-Ahead Meals newsletter.
chirpatme at rocketmail dot com

Elphie said... 58

I follow Jane Doiron on Twitter (@ErinReisman)
chirpatme at rocketmail dot com

Elphie said... 59

I follow Make-Ahead Meals for Busy Moms Blog.
chirpatme at rocketmail dot com

Elphie said... 60

I emailed three friends about this blog and cc'ed randsmountney@yahoo.com.
chirpatme at rocketmail dot com

Tonya M said... 61

Teach everyone in the house to clean up after themselves and enforce it.... granted my kids are older but it works :-) Saves me lots of time!

Unknown said... 62

I try to cook in bulk- saves time cooking, planning menus and cleaning up.

Ms. Mini said... 67

i put all smoothie ingredients in a blender and refrigerate the night before to blend quickly in the morning for breakfast

chelsea said... 68

My time saving tip is to set a timer when at the computer...seriously my off days I really could just "play" on the computer all day... or sometimes I will clean a room and then just do 2 things on line before doing something else. REally helps me prioritize my time!
22luvroses22 (at) gmail .com

chelsea said... 71

I follow mahayla's mommy on facebook
22luvroses22 (at) gmail (dot) com

chelsea said... 72

I subscribe to the make ahead meals newsletter!
22luvroses22 (at) gmail.com

chelsea said... 73

I follow the make ahead meals for busy mom's blog!
22luvroses22 (at) gmail (dot) com

chelsea said... 74

I am a follower of Jane Doiron on facebook!
22luvroses22 (at) gmail.com

Jennifer T. said... 78

Yay! I'm so excited to have won! I can't wait to try out some of Jane's recipes!

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